Wednesday, September 9, 2009

11 second club August Entry....2nd Place!

So I finally decided to throw my hat in the ring and enter August's competition for the 11 second club. Ive been wanting to do one of these since it was the 10 second club. Im pretty psyched I got second place. There was a ton of entries and some really top notch pieces in there this month. I got a lot of positive comments which is a great feeling. Big thanks to anyone who took the time to write something!

I really liked the sound clip but had some trouble coming up with an idea. Once I finally had a clear idea that worked I was able to hit the ground running and finish in time. I'd eventually like to write a little something about my workflow for the shot because it was a little different then what I usually do. But for now heres the clip....

11secondClub_August from ryguy on Vimeo.


Marcos Borba said...

Yeah man! I really liked your entry. Pretty clear poses, and simples one. Thats why i liked a lot. sweet Fx too. Hope u continue participating on the competition.

all the best


Matt said...

Nice work, do you mind mentioning the tools you are using to accomplish this great stuff? Thanks, Matt